Master of Arts in Teaching
Certificatied in Secodary English Language Arts and Humanities
Community, Respect, and Dialogue
Strong classroom management begins with building a strong learning community in the classroom. I believe a strong learning community is one in which each member is respected as an individual. Obviously, this means establishing clear norms like no put downs, respecting a peer’s right to learn and so on, but it involves much more. When students are able to form meaningful relationships with their peers and their teacher, when they view one another as individuals with interests and lives of their own, respect comes naturally. Throughout my practice I strive to build such relationships in a variety of ways, from one-on-one interactions, simple ice breakers and opportunities for group work, to full class periods dedicated to sharing and celebrating student work. By creating a strong learning community, I am able to avoid a whole host of behavioral issues before they ever arise.
Nevertheless, even in the strongest communities disputes and problems will still occur. In these situations I believe, with Rudolf Dreikurs, that the behavior always has a rational motivation, and the key to addressing the behavior lies in addressing the motivation. For example, a student who is disruptive in class might be motivated by frustration. He doesn’t understand the material and sidetracking the group is his way of avoiding the material. In such a case additional instruction, not detentions, is the proper response. Similarly, a student who is bored and disengaged can be reached through clearer purposes and student choice, and a student seeking attention can be given opportunities for positive attention like dramatic readings. The motivation behind a behavior and the appropriate solution aren’t always immediately apparent, but I find that with a little trial and error the vast majority of issues can be addressed.
Only once all of these methods have been exhausted do I turn to more direct measures, like behavioral contracts, contacting parents, or involving administration.